


Oh ! 1796

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client Sheng Jun Construction Co., Ltd.
Designer Wei Chen Fang, Chungyi Yang, Man Fen Wang
Description(English) The structure of the building is tilted to a certain angle, so that each room can face the mountains and the sea to fully enjoy the view. Each unit is outfitted with a hot-spring room, letting nature cleanse the body and the mind. One can fully enjoy the panorama of the spectacular sea-and-mountain view while taking a hot-spring bath. The building covers 20% of the base while 80% of it is covered with over 200 trees. The landscaping is achieved by means of plants and flowers of different seasons, which is not merely pleasing to the eye but also friendly to the environment.
Description(Native) 為了享受美景,我們將建物本體水平傾斜了一個角度,讓每間房都能面對山和海。每戶擁有獨立的泡湯室,用大自然洗滌身心,享受溫泉美人湯的同時,山海壯麗景緻盡收眼前。以實用機能規劃,可量身打造的開放式隔間, 戶戶大尺度落地窗,以迎山面海的遼闊打造最理想宜人的居住空間。一樓大廳擺設在地藝術家長12公尺寬3.6公尺重達1000公斤的雕塑作品,以H型鋼材化作羽翼的造型展開,象徵居住於此可傍著日出,在天空恣意翱翔。 頂樓露天溫泉及無邊際泳池,夜晚星空酒吧、BBQ烤肉區、露天電影院,甚至高爾夫球模擬室等設施,一年四季不同時節的活動一應俱全,盡享悠閒與優質生活。 建物外牆以燈光呈現完整的「時光牆」,以預埋的管線透過電腦程式設計出繽紛多樣化的顏色變化,將夜晚的建築量體呈現華麗的外觀。因應所處地震帶的考量,建築規劃中使用了84個日本KYB制震器來降低地震的衝擊力,使居住安全無虞。為了避免地下水汙染泉水,建構時往地下深掘1400公尺,取得了無色無味的碳酸氫鈉溫泉,再利用複層的網氏結構進行濾除硫磺成分以避免損害建材與結構。 此外, 基地20% 搭蓋建築,80% 種植200多棵樹木,景觀的配置也以四季不同的花景打造,不只賞心悅目,也維持對環境的友善。並打造兩處開放式小公園與鄰近居民共享,讓私人休閒會館不只獨善其身,也用心回饋鄰里。找回最初的美好,重新定義享受人生的休閒會所。
Website www.hong-gi.com.tw/index.php
Positive Comments
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  1. Uniplus design center

  2. A Stunning Manor

  3. Imperishable Estate

  4. Magnum Opus

  5. Hills

  6. The Essence of Aesthetics

  7. The Japanese Style Industrial City

  8. A Retreatful Ryokan Home

  9. Jiangshanghui(江上荟)

  10. THD2.0

  11. Hang Seng Bank flagship branch

  12. Taiheiyo Club KARUIZAWA RESORT

  13. Utubo Garden Clinic

  14. Achromatic

  15. Bathed in sunshine

  16. Jabra HQ Hong Kong

  17. Retro/Modern

  18. Light Box

  19. Oh ! 1796

  20. Blooming House

  21. The Blossom Clinic

  22. Aperture

  23. The Sea Refuses No River 海納百川

  24. The timeless trajectory

  25. Multifunctional mixer


  27. Fluid and form


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