

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation Losaint Design
Designer Kevin Tang
Description(English) The hotel door is made of metal grille, which has a light sense of penetration. Limited by the storey height of the original building, the lobby public area reorganizes the "garden tour" elements in the way of deconstruction. Full time restaurant is an important part of hotel business operation. Losaint Design boldly adopts color contrast on the background of black gray wall with bright orange in the lobby and romantic blue in Shanghai Style Culture. The scenery at the bay window is the best. It is specially built into a reading area, where you can enjoy the moon and tea, and spend every inch of your time.
Description(Native) 游园路径,迂回通幽 昆曲是吴越文化的精髓所在,汤显祖的《游园惊梦》,故事情节荡气回肠,其投射出的江南造园意境也尤为引人入胜。乐山设计以“游园”作为动线铺排的主旨,构筑曲径通幽的行走体验,将当代人文底蕴以润物细无声的方式悄然融入,彰显着创新与接纳的和合共生。 酒店门头以金属格栅形塑出轻透感。受限于原有建筑的层高,大堂公区以解构的方式重组“游园”元素。透过入门的格栅观景墙,可隐隐绰绰望进大堂吧。天花顶面框架界定出前台区域,辅以屏风和山石艺术摆件,散发出低调的摩登气质。 全日制餐厅是酒店业态运营的重要一环。平铺直叙的空间叙述是不足以彰显其特质的。不锈钢古铜镀色的月亮门,以现代材质凸显江南园林的古意趣味,奠定了全日制餐厅的整体调性。利用建筑的原有结构特质,以框架局部吊顶的方式将空间巧妙分层,同时增加部分柱子,形成规整的序列感。 乐山设计大胆采用撞色系,于黑灰色墙地面的背景之上,既有大堂的明媚橙,亦有海派文化中的浪漫蓝,而颇具质感的古铜色,隐现于装置及家私的点缀中,让摩登气息呼之欲出,而这也让餐厅得以在早餐、下午茶、酒吧的不同复合业态中更为灵活自如地切换。 雅致吴越文化,形塑功能客房 客房以木色为主,书桌、化妆镜台及盥洗池因应功能而组合定制,飘窗处的风景最佳,特意打造成阅读区,可听雨赏月,可泡茶品茗,也可在此度过每一寸的美好光阴。
Website www.losaint.com
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