



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation National Taipei University of Education (NTUE)
Designer Yi-Yun Li, Min-hua Tsai, I-Jie Tsay, Yu-Ching Chiu, Li,Kai-Chu
Description(English) HISTO+ is a platform that helps match historic site owners and cultural heritage groups with travel agencies, cultural and creative industries, repair experts and volunteers. It provides people with historic site tours and participates in repair fundraising projects while searching for volunteers and experts to solve the problem of insufficient resources in the past. HISTO+ connects people with local culture, enabling them to learn more about historic sites through some activities and have deeper understanding of culture and history while having stronger sense of identity for historic sites.
Description(Native) HISTO+ 是款協助古蹟持有者與文資團體媒合旅行業、文創業、修繕專家、志工及多元團隊的專案募資媒合平台。 提供民眾"古蹟旅遊專案"與參與"修繕募資專案",藉此籌措修復資金與找尋志工及修繕專家,改善過去古蹟在維護資金、人力及物力不足的問題。 HISTO+將一般民眾與在地文化認識進行串聯,讓民眾可透過旅遊、募資專案及志工參與認識在地與各國古蹟,獲得更深刻的文化學習及歷史認識,提升古蹟在民眾眼中的關注度,加深在地認同。 問題發現 1.古蹟維護上,資金、人力、物力負擔大 古蹟維護需要花費大量的資源,除了例行修繕之外,也有可能因意外的發生而導致建物需要進行整體整修,使整體負擔變大。 2. 資源整合缺乏合適管道 維護過程中的資源募集及跨領域團隊的整合缺乏合適管道協助。 3.大眾直接地參與古蹟議題認識在地文化的困難度高
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  2. The Noble Garden Heyuan

  3. Scene Merge with Love

  4. Jade apartment

  5. modular educational spirograph

  6. Happy Stretching Day


  8. Innovative Thermometer for Children

  9. Wama drama therapy

  10. Guunmong

  11. Wutang Empire

  12. Wonder Biker

  13. Plug night-light

  14. HISTO+

  15. WordUpUp

  16. panic: Panic Disorder Seminar

  17. Heterogeneous symbiosis

  18. Keep your life

  19. Baidu Health OneStop Healthcare Platform

  20. Washable noodle bowl with mobile phone stand

  21. ICEE

  22. one cook

  23. Hotata Smart Lock V83

  24. 60th anniversary democracy 315 emblem design

  25. Zen Dou Toshiba Steam microwave oven

  26. The Terrace

  27. Shanghai Yunny Hotel

  28. Bask in the Sunlight

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