


Keep your life

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Designer Meng-Ju, Kuo
Description(English) Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, people are struggling to purchase surgical masks that act as insurance against the virus. By applying paper cut graphics design, the surgical mask symbolizes the last hope for survival to appeal to the public that wearing a mask is an act that can save lives. The series of designs are divided according to various scenarios in life such as going out, working, when having fun, where the surgical mask transforms into a crucial item for the preservation of life, thereby allowing the public to become aware that wearing surgical masks is paramount.
Description(Native) 今年因新型冠狀病毒造成的全球災情,大家爭先恐後的搶著買口罩,口罩就像是防護病毒的保險,藉由剪影圖像設計,將口罩比喻成救命的最後一根稻草,呼籲大眾攜帶口罩就是愛護生命的行為。 色彩方面,使用黑色及黃色形成鮮明對比,讓民眾觀看時能提高警覺,本系列作品分別將外出時、工作時、遊玩時、遇難時及各種生活狀況,再藉由物件轉化的方式將口罩比喻成保護生命的一項重要用品,讓民眾知道戴口罩是件很重要的事情。 乘坐飛機時,如遇到災難時會需要降落傘來逃生,換作現在的疫情,大家都在保護自己,如果沒有了口罩,就像是沒有了降落傘來逃生。 外出時,不論是大人還是小孩外出時都要攜帶口罩。藉由著過橋,讓口罩變成安全的橋樑。 工作時也要攜帶口罩來保護自己,像是安全鎖一樣,即便是小東西看似不重要,但卻是緊要關頭保護生命的最後一道防線。 從樓上掉落時,要有著救生氣墊來減緩傷害,就像口罩一樣,是保護生命的最後一道防線。 假日出玩遊樂時,其實黑暗到處存在了大大小小的危機,像是畫面中的病毒,如果這對父子沒有了船,那麼就像沒了口罩,就會失去了重要的生命。
Website No.103 ,Ln.184,Sec5 Jun'an Rd,AnnanDist. Tainan City709 Taiwan(R.O.C)
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