


Wonder Biker

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Fu Jen Catholic University
Designer Chih-Yuan-Chang, Jo-Hsu-Pi, Yu-Wen-Huang
Description(English) Taipei and New Taipei City have the most well-planned riverside bikeways in Taiwan. However, people know little about it. “Wonder Biker” designs brochures of theme bike routes with special shapes and creative illustration. On the front side of the brochures, we introduce the specialties and sights in the routes such as mudskippers, Taipei101, and derivative world-famous paintings, etc. The backside of the brochures contain interesting stories about our mascot. Furthermore, Users can also open the route map in Google Maps by scanning the QR-code on the last page to check the current location.
Description(Native) 雙北河濱自行車道路線多元、人文與自然特色豐富,為全台規畫最完善的河濱自行車道;雙北同時也擁有最多的公共自行車(Ubike)租借據點,然而卻有以下問題:1.使用者多為親子或年長族群,較少年輕人使用。2.官方繪製地圖著重周遭景點大於河濱自行車道本身特色。3.較完整資料停留在2010年。 「騎妙河濱道」針對現有問題重新設計最能展現河濱自行車道特色且符合實地現況的DM,同時也針對年輕人較少使用的主要原因如怕累、覺得無趣,規劃了四條輕鬆好入門、趣味無窮的主題騎乘路線,分別有絕佳的燈光效果、充滿創意的藝術壁畫、豐富的地質生態和浪漫的花海美景,並以年輕人常見的煩惱(單身、生活無趣、沒錢、厭世)發想四條路線的名稱。藉特殊的DM造型與趣味插畫,顛覆大家對河濱自行車道的想像,進而引起前往探索的好奇心。 我們規劃將DM放置在城市中各個資訊站供大家做自行車導覽冊使用,在DM正面有各路線看點與特色的詳細介紹;背面則為吉祥物「單車狗」所發生的趣聞故事內容,在最後一頁更可直接掃描QR-code連上Google地圖確認路線所在位置並進行導航。不同於一般的文宣用完即丟,此系列文宣兼具實用和美觀價值,適合所有人收藏為「紀念品」。
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  2. The Noble Garden Heyuan

  3. Scene Merge with Love

  4. Jade apartment

  5. modular educational spirograph

  6. Happy Stretching Day


  8. Innovative Thermometer for Children

  9. Wama drama therapy

  10. Guunmong

  11. Wutang Empire

  12. Wonder Biker

  13. Plug night-light

  14. HISTO+

  15. WordUpUp

  16. panic: Panic Disorder Seminar

  17. Heterogeneous symbiosis

  18. Keep your life

  19. Baidu Health OneStop Healthcare Platform

  20. Washable noodle bowl with mobile phone stand

  21. ICEE

  22. one cook

  23. Hotata Smart Lock V83

  24. 60th anniversary democracy 315 emblem design

  25. Zen Dou Toshiba Steam microwave oven

  26. The Terrace

  27. Shanghai Yunny Hotel

  28. Bask in the Sunlight

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