


Seasonal Notes

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation China University of Technology
Designer Lai,yu-an, Chen,Xin-Yu, Huang,Lin-Hui, Lee,Wei-Ting, YINFANG-LIN
Description(English) Taiwan's fruits and vegetables come in a great many varieties according to the solar terms in the four seasons. The planting methods and tonic effects of 48 fruits and vegetables are designed into seed illustrations by unique totems. The packaging is modelled on the concept of monthly calendars, which can be reused, collected and stored for display.
Description(Native) 春去秋來的季節轉變,依照自然的氣候變化,分化出二十四節氣法,在應當的時節飲食調養身心是先人流傳下來的智慧。「時令帖」以此為依據,遴選出四十八種符合調養原則、當令可食且富含營養的蔬果,將美妙的蔬果外型以反覆、連續的手法平面化,構成花磚形式的視覺圖騰,再將其種植方法及食補功效收錄於冊,設計出獨特圖騰種子圖鑑,期望以有趣的圖像吸引人們,再次喚起大眾對於蔬果植栽的興趣。 同時我們也發現市面上種籽包裝皆是用完即丟、無法延續保存等缺點,故開始進行種籽包裝的再改造計畫,包裝採用月曆概念,具有美觀的價值賦予種籽商品與包裝可重複使用、收藏、收納等延展性,並具有美觀展示的價值。圖像設計也兼具教育意義,使顧客從中學習認識蔬果的特色、與栽種的知識,達成環保性及美感之永續設計。
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