


The last dignity

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Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art
Designer Wang Yuqi, Lei Hailin, Chen Wen
Description(English) The body bag was designed in the shape of a coffin. For a more dignified and respectful way of holding the body, it comes with a tag to record information about the deceased.For the product, it can be folded for storage, which makes it possible to record the information of the deceased and with Velcro on the inside of the placard, which can be folded and secured.At the bottom of the product, a waterproof, leak-proof layer has been added, which will simultaneously allow the product to hold its form better.
Description(Native) 现有的裹尸袋没有给予死者足够的尊重,裹尸袋应该是一个更加庄重的,能够体现对死者尊重的容器,它应该要维护死者最后的尊严,而绝不是让死去的人看起来像被装在垃圾袋里一样。改变了以往裹尸袋的造型,让它看起来更加尊重死者,将裹尸袋设计成棺椁的造型,让盛放遗体的方式更加庄重和体面,同时附带有可以记录死者信息的标牌。对于这件设计作品来说,首先它能够让死者在生命的最后不失体面,其次它能够为亡者的家人带来些许安慰,最后它能引起人们对死亡的敬畏。产品可折叠收纳,记录死者信息的标牌内侧带有魔术贴,用来折叠后固定。在产品的底部增加了一层防水、防漏层的同时让产品更好的固定形态。同时产品拥有各种不同的尺寸。人们往往会在意如何活的开心,但缺少对于死亡的思考。而我希望我的设计能够更多的关注到没有被被人所关注到的地方,死去的人们应该得到他们赢得的尊重和敬畏,只有这样才能够安抚他们的家人以及表达对生命的尊重。作为一个裹尸袋来说,它不仅应该要能够装载遗体,它更加应该要体现对死者的尊重。
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