

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Client CIFI Co., Ltd.
Affiliation SUNS DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Designer LIN PENG
Description(English) The upgrading and innovation happen in the real estate sales center is closely related to the change of times. In the context of promoting the returning of life itself, the development of modern real estate industry is now heading towards a more rational direction. By undertaking thorough study and keep improving multi-dimensional using experiences and services, early stage sales get to organically combined with following community operation, so as to avoid the waste of demolish and renovation. This has become the common goal that both the developer and design consultants try to achieve.
Description(Native) “真正的诗意人居,是遵从内心的期许。”地产销售中心的迭代与创新,与时代语境密不可分。在倡导回归人居生活本质的背景下,当下地产行业走向更理性的发展方向。调研并完善用户多维使用场景与服务,将前期销售与后续的社区化运营有效结合,避免拆改带来的浪费,是开发商与设计机构在共同探讨的课题。尚石设计将“以人为本”作为做产品研发的前置理念,深挖用户需求并通过设计去打通闭环。 从书与阅读中提取灵感,将书页的线条与折角等意会成为建筑与室内设计的语言元素。独特的建筑外观犹如书的一角被折下,室内墙面亦做了折面处理,呼应建筑造型。在深长幽静的峡谷里探寻属于自己的精神世界,寻一处安全感和舒适感兼具的沙发,一杯咖啡,一本书,在一个卸下防备的空间场景,享受心灵片刻的宁静。阅读纸质书本的乐趣,对于许多成年人而言都与回忆有关。在网购成为常态的今天,或许很多人都缺一个再次了解书店的契机。根植于城市社区生活圈内的多功能书店,就是让人与实体书店产生情感连接的入口。因此在本项目中尚石设计关照到了当下与未来,在城市社区里创造了这个让其中居民可以漫游的“书之谷”。“神秘峡谷,以书为山,探寻的过程既有趣味性又保有私密感”,尚石设计将对理想生活的情感谱写成诗般旋律,融入到理性的设计表达中。
Website www.suns-id.com
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