


Macau Herbal Tea Design

Extra Form
Country China Macau
Year 2022
Affiliation Macau University of Science and Technology
Designer ShenFan Lan
Description(English) The design pattern reflects the regional culture of Macau, which originated from the packaging and decoration of early Macau products, which produced a sense of regional belonging and cultural resonance. Wu Qin Xi is based on the life habits and characteristics of five animals: tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird. It summarizes health-preserving methods and health-preserving actions. Its actions are simple and easy to learn, safe and effective; it has the effects of health maintenance, disease prevention and treatment, and physical and mental pleasure.
Description(Native) 涼茶品牌建立在品類和品類背後的涼茶文化之上,澳門本地的涼茶品牌更新,融入澳門地域特色,不再是陳舊的涼茶形象,而是變成與養生相關的,有澳門特色的品牌文化符號,設計紋樣源於早期澳門產品包裝裝飾,品牌用戶定位面向現代社會下認同養生文化亦或是想要了解養生文化的澳門消費者與海內外遊客。通過對養生文化和涼茶文化的提煉,銅馬茶座擁有了一套專屬的品牌視覺資產:五禽戲ip的打造,為品牌起到了加持意義。而五禽戲是中國最早成套的養生方法與養生動作,也是最具有代表性的功法之一。它是由東漢名醫華佗在前人導引基礎上,根據虎、鹿熊、猿、鳥五類動物的生活習性和秉性特點,結合人體經絡臟腑整理創編的一套仿生導引養生功法。《后漢書·華佗傳》中有記載:“吾有一術,名五禽之戲:一曰虎,二曰鹿,三曰熊,四曰猿,五曰鳥。亦以除疾,兼利蹄足,以當導引”。每戲動作重在仿生虎之威猛、鹿之安舒、熊之沉穩、猿之靈巧、鳥之輕盈。其動作簡單易學、安全有效,適應居家身體鍛煉。其功效具有養生健體、防病治病、愉悅身心、延年益壽的功效。
Website www.behance.net/lanshenfan
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