

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Suofeiya Home Collection Co., Ltd.
Designer Xiaoke Huang
Description(English) The natural and original rock texture is used as the main finishing element of the cabinet and wall panel. The contrast effect of color and light is used to match the texture materials such as wood, metal and leather, bringing users a unique living experience. The whole house uses custom cabinets, incorporating a large number of fine storage accessories such as clothing storage and jewelry display, with patented and developed intelligent modules in the cabinet (ventilation system, clothing care system, lighting system) to meet the diverse storage and living needs of users.
Description(Native) 住宅设计满足业主对于神秘感与静谧感的核心需求,通过延伸的空间借景以及整体的暗沉氛围,打造如神秘访客般的静谧空间;空间运用真实岩板作为柜体、墙面、家具的应用元素,纵横交错的纹理让空间极具奢感与细节感,自主研发的仿真岩板,既保证视觉的艺术观感又减少对资源的过度使用,专利板材生产污染小资源浪费少,保护生态环境。全屋采用兼具安全性与优异物理特性的环保基材,搭配金属、岩板等稳定材质,保障用户的身体健康与使用体验;整体空间运用简洁的线性元素搭配自然肌理打造富有神秘感的品质住宅,几何造型的柜体门板搭配线性金属线条富有张力,搭配柔和的艺术家具让整体空间富有层次;原创的金属展示架既能当做空间隔断分割空间,又能放置用户喜爱的手办玩偶等艺术品,彰显业主爱好与个性;定制柜内置多种专业收纳模块,满足如衣物、餐具、书籍等物品的收纳需求,提升使用者的空间使用体验
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  1. Aesthetic Wetland Studies


  3. Eclipse wall lamp

  4. Greenlody

  5. MAUM

  6. The Growth Curve

  7. SLS Seal Iodine Swab


  9. Macau Herbal Tea Design

  10. First aid Wristband

  11. Infusion Pump

  12. Fire Fighting Vanguard

  13. U Charge

  14. M Genius

  15. Aerobox

  16. X in the world

  17. NO ANGLE

  18. COCLE

  19. Sea Devil Beer

  20. A Bottle for Precise Medicine Delivery

  21. Imilab Smart Outdoor camera Q1

  22. Yamano Residence

  23. Xixi Apartment

  24. Forest Evening Series

  25. Mystery residence

  26. Downsizing Town in a City

  27. Module jumping multi functional seat

  28. Smart heat wall panels

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