

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST
Designer Chien Chen Lai, Fang Ping Hsu, Kai Chu Li
Description(English) Children are prone to bruising and wound infections if they do not apply adequate pressure to the injection site. Rampant epidemics have increased the demand for vaccinations, and about 8% of children have emotional breakdowns during injections due to fear of pain and lack of security. SLS+ is a stylized hemostatic cotton pad stamp that disguises the needle to reassure children. The disinfecting iodine wipe contained in SLS+ is available in universal and specialized models to meet different needle administration needs. SLS+ frees children from trypanophobia by using cute patterns to prompt them to press the injection site properly.
Description(Native) 我們發現到大部分的兒童對於注射的恐懼並不是因為注射時的疼痛感,而是因為心理準備不足、缺乏安全感、和整體環境的不友善造成的,因此思考如何透過一個簡單的產品來改善兒童的注射心理,減少兒童在注射時的恐懼感。 近年流行病傳播嚴重,疫苗注射需求提升,約8%的兒童在打針時會情緒崩潰,除了因懼怕疼痛外,還缺乏安全感所致。SLS+透過具造型的棉塊止血印章來改善此問題,造型棉塊可遮蔽與偽裝針頭,降低兒童的懼怕與提高安全感,施打後,SLS+的塊體設計讓兒童更好按壓傷口,並可期待確實按壓後所烙印的可愛印章圖案。SLS+內含碘酒消毒片,並具有泛用型與專用型款式,來配合不同的針劑施打需求。SLS+讓打針成為蓋印章般的遊戲體驗,使兒童獲得良好的就醫體驗,減少兒童罹患「尖端恐懼症」的問題。 透過故事性的疫苗注射流程,引導兒童認知使用「力量印章」可以讓他們更健康,兒童可以選擇自己喜歡的印章圖案,此舉動可以增加兒童的主動性並降低其防禦心理,注射時的隱藏式針頭設計,可以減低兒童的恐懼感。
Website jjiqw5569412.wixsite.com/design-bar/project-06
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  1. Aesthetic Wetland Studies


  3. Eclipse wall lamp

  4. Greenlody

  5. MAUM

  6. The Growth Curve

  7. SLS Seal Iodine Swab


  9. Macau Herbal Tea Design

  10. First aid Wristband

  11. Infusion Pump

  12. Fire Fighting Vanguard

  13. U Charge

  14. M Genius

  15. Aerobox

  16. X in the world

  17. NO ANGLE

  18. COCLE

  19. Sea Devil Beer

  20. A Bottle for Precise Medicine Delivery

  21. Imilab Smart Outdoor camera Q1

  22. Yamano Residence

  23. Xixi Apartment

  24. Forest Evening Series

  25. Mystery residence

  26. Downsizing Town in a City

  27. Module jumping multi functional seat

  28. Smart heat wall panels

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