

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation 10CM Interior Design
Designer Yi Ning Lo, Chia Ming Ku
Description(English) To provide a comfortable living, the design team planned a separate dressing space in the master bedroom. It is worth mentioning that this area is not partitioned by a door, but by a traffic flow planning that separates the bed, dressing room, and bathroom. In this way, the daylight from the two windows in the master bedroom can fall directly into the dressing room and the bed area. Next, the design team used the remaining irregular space to create a dressing table. The mirror on the left side of the dressing table can be closed when not in use to keep the space well-lit.
Description(Native) 作品為新成的毛胚屋,使用者為業主一家三口,因此毛胚建案僅確定廚房格局,因此其餘格局均依照業主使用需求作出規劃。 為了讓使用者擁有更加舒適的起居環境,在主臥室中另外規劃出更衣空間,且設計端並沒有使用門片作出隔間,反而以動線區隔出床鋪、更衣間以及衛浴空間,使主臥室中兩扇窗戶的採光能直接灑落至更衣間以及床鋪區,以此增加空間穿透感。再利用剩餘的畸零空間打造出梳妝台,梳妝台左側則設計開關鏡,未使用到時可將其闔上,以保持空間良好採光。 衛浴空間特別選用大尺寸地磚,視覺上幾乎看不出分界線,再另外選用顏色與地磚相似,且不易吃色且不易發霉的填縫劑。此外,設計端也規劃出壁崁式的收納空間,使衛浴能兼顧機能性與美觀。
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