Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2023 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | Jai Dian Interior Design |
Affiliation | Jai Dian Interior Design |
Designer | Chih Chia Hung, Ting Ting Huang |
Description(English) | Inspired by love for cats, this design incorporates cat paths, hole-like arches, and geometric sequences to create a flowing space. Curved lines form the main axis of the space, with cat hole-like arches defining the home. Visual elements like arcs and circles reshape the form, adding depth and light. Curved half-walls and hidden cat amenities ensure openness and visual neatness, while the dressing room door offers elegance and privacy. A minimalist design blends light and shadow, integrating human and cat needs, resulting in a frequent interactive space for both. Peace and a sense of belonging are achieved within the space. |
Description(Native) | 彎曲線條是空間主軸,猶如貓洞般的拱門曲線勾勒出家的模樣。極簡主義設計手法表達空間形式,圓弧曲線融合光影,精雕空間細節。圓滑線條回應居住者空間訴求,統整人與貓生活機能,實現自然、流動感、串聯人貓步調共生的家。 整體風格源於對貓咪的寵愛。初衷是友善寵物需求,期許家有讓貓自由穿梭空間,兼容人貓需求為首要。規劃期間,將貓咪路徑結合機能,透過圓弧搭配幾何序列操作空間佈局,藉由乾淨奶白色與弧形線條詮釋空間本質,凹凸設計賦予層次,雕塑新的空間尺度與溫度。 弧形、圓形、拱形等視覺元素統整空間細節,塑造型態。餐廳弧牆立體紋理,圓型把手呼應圓洞。天花板弧形元素源自於貓咪圓洞,以等比例放大構成,搭配燈帶營造光暈渲染溫柔質感。橫樑界定客廳與書房,形塑溫柔感。客廳與書房以弧角半牆區隔,串聯場域並開闊視覺,消除因場域切割而形成的窘迫感。利用垂直牆面空間滿足貓需求,以不同洞穴構成餐區、睡房及砂盆區,確保視覺整潔。 書房設計臥榻,讓人貓在此共享慵懶的午後時光,並設計多處貓洞供貓穿梭,圓洞同時成為白色畫面中具層次的點綴。更衣室的拱門設計呼應貓洞造型,雙開玻璃門營造浪漫氛圍,優雅滿足私密需求。在設計過程中,將長久生活面向納入設計考量,不僅將貓飲食便溺空間隱藏於櫃體內,以利清潔並減少異味,更選用環保無毒、易於清潔的塗料,兼顧居住者品質與對環境保護的追求。 空間設計源於業主需求與生活本身,極簡風格源於質感追求。將寵物需求巧妙融入純粹形體,曲線量體交織包容性場域之美,創造人寵能共處也能保持適當距離的生活空間。 |
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