

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Wuhan Kuanzhai Banquet Cultural and Creative Co
Designer Ma Xianfeng
Description(English) In the choice of materials, recycling old wood, using classic stone for space to add time percipitation and rich imagination. In lighting design, the control of the intensity of light and dark contrast can create a slightly charming and fancy dining atmosphere. In terms of compilation, artists have been invited to give personalized orchestration to Seclusion on the River, while grasping the impact of music on the atmosphere. The loudest and most beautiful sound is soundless. The quiet space can reflect the connotation of "seclusion".
Description(Native) 物料的选择上,回收老木、使用古朴的石料为空间增添时间的深度及丰富联想。就现阶段的商业环境而言,流水线式的工业化创造,无法支撑深刻的文化内涵,但与旧物一起,却能碰撞出独特的记忆点。美,不存在于物体之中,而存在于物与物产生的阴翳的波纹和明暗之中。 灯光设计中,把控明暗对比的强弱,创造出一种幽微迷人的高级用餐氛围。编曲方面,邀请艺术家为《江上隐》量身定制,把握音乐对氛围的影响,大音希声,让空间沉静下来,呼应“隐”的内涵。 朴素的事物有直抵人心的美感,大漆作为楚文化的强符号,广泛应用在空间的器皿选择上,符合《江上隐》的在地性文化定位。服装设计中,使用“夏布”,“香云纱”等中国传统面料,裁剪大气简约,面料在幽暗的灯光下,自然散发出独特的质感和轮廓。
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  1. TEMPWORK Thermometer

  2. RUAFEE LF CF03 High Speed Hair Dryer

  3. Two faced rabbit crossing the virtual and real

  4. MIXER WE 10th Anniversary Concert Stage Design

  5. ORBIT 3D Massage Chair with High Fidelity Speaker

  6. F570

  7. Star studded Cup Haers Fall and Winter series

  8. Back to Void

  9. Planting Pleasant Palpitation

  10. Leaflet for the 9 scenic spots of Yeongcheon

  11. Life that Inherits Architectural Culture

  12. FALCON


  14. CYCLOID Magnetic Powerbank

  15. Seclusion on the River

  16. Shenzhen Metro Line 16

  17. Attentive Defender V81

  18. The Little Yogaland

  19. vanguard wine merchants

  20. Cat Walk

  21. Pure Shine Immersion

  22. Refreshing Light

  23. Morii

  24. The Realm of Stillness

  25. Reduction

  26. Guohua Financial Center

  27. turning point

  28. Flows

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