

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Draw Interior Design
Description(English) We took the residents’ health into primary consideration, so the material choice seriously mattered. First, we applied F1 certificated low formaldehyde materials to the entire space. Secondly, finished the TV wall with a Diatomaceous earth wall coating, which features porosity and absorptive capacity to prevent the wall from moisture and dust mites. These measures could relieve the daughter’s respiratory allergies and the Korean male homeowner's sensitivity to the climate of Taiwan. And associated with energy recovery ventilation, we presented a comfortable living environment.
Description(Native) 我們以居者的健康為首要考量,除了全室採用F1級低甲醛建材,另於客廳電視牆使用珪藻土塗料,其表層具毛細孔,可吸附空間中的濕氣與塵蟎,兼具調節濕度、淨化空氣之效,緩解韓籍男主人對台灣氣候較敏感,以及女兒鼻子過敏等呼吸道問題,搭配裝設全熱交換器,賦予業主一家舒適的生活環境。 有鑒於業主夫妻因工作之需,時常往返韓國與台灣,我們於玄關和餐廳間設置一座儲藏間,供屋主收納行李箱、包裹、工作設備等大型物件,並以木質曲面設計融入建築,消弭量體感,同時作為入門端景,而設定於餐桌旁的推拉門片,則方便在此處或書桌工作的業主拿取物品,兼具機能與美感。 我們重新劃設原始格局,將原先建商設定的電視牆改為書櫃,客廳則轉向至另一端,創造順暢的起居動線,並除卻公領域隔間,達至放大空間的效果,另運用美耐皿裝飾板和木皮天花板,配合屋梁結構和儲物間無形劃分場域,打造通透分明的寬闊住宅,令居者彼此照應、交流無拘。
Website www.drawdesign.com.tw
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