

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Designer 卓思齊 Angelo Cho
Description(English) The open public area in the longitudinal layout resembles the cabinets of the ship. The dining room with a bar counter is the elevated captain’s room, while the living room is like the passenger’s cabin. The private bedrooms, changing room, and the bathroom is the head, and the guest rooms are the tail. The layering, joining, and transition, and polishing of the materials further inform the atmosphere of the cabinet. The galvanized black metal surface on the ceiling reflects the waves on the floor. The house of living is a moving ship, sailing slowly on the sea above the trees in the city.
Description(Native) 在三面臨光的大樓裡,樹木自大窗延展進來,我們設計住宅空間,在具備光線、綠意、風的條件下,讓夜晚與白天,皆有所屬的景致,靜謐與喧囂各自在同一個空間演繹著。 在幾乎全敞開的長型格局內,如船艙的配置方式:公共區域設置在架高的船長室(餐吧區)與相對凹陷的座艙(客廳),前後則是私密的臥室、更衣間、衛浴(船頭)與客人廁所(船尾),空間依主客需求切割,此外,讓眾材質的堆壘,接續、切換,琢磨出特有的船艙氛圍;我們依據業主的年紀與收藏槍枝模型的嗜好,讓帶著個性與神秘的灰黑色調成為室內基調。古木紋大理石與胡桃木地板,如大海川流不息橫流室內,天花板則以帶反射效果的鍍鈦黑色金屬,與之相輝映,讓海波浪般的線條鋪天蓋地,當燈光照明適時點綴,宛若前行的意象,居室,是一艘流動中的船,緩緩航駛在都市之中,樹梢之上。 餐吧區以鍍銀金屬光感與弧形切邊的層櫃厚牆(內藏直立型冰櫃)與浴廁界分,料理吧台以雙面八角大理石的俐落穩重為區域重心,亦為廊道劃出一條明確動線。客廳設置依變動需求隨時可組構與獨立的環形沙發,櫥藏兼展示架在黑玻與光帶的烘托稀有藏品,更添居室的陽剛性。臥室、浴室與更衣間不分野,呈現出酷冷與機能雙併的面貌,灰階在此在彼起落,讓精緻豪華的曲調稍微隱然化。 在看似無盡的黑暗灰冷中,直到白天拉簾升起,陽光透析綠意染進,此時,正是直駛太陽之向的光明時刻,屋主將會詫異,一間屋子擁有著雙重表情。
Website www.beatrixdesign.com
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