


End Scenery

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client ANGLE Design Studio
Affiliation ANGLE Design Studio
Designer ANGLEDesignStudio
Description(English) The lounge in the vicinity of the windows not only brings in the outdoor riverside scenery but also gives a panorama to people dining and cooking by turning the kitchen island towards the window. Compartmental capacities are well defined in the spacious public area. The cupboard in the dining room, a.k.a. a combination of storage and a visual end landscape, also functions as the door to the master bedroom. This functional cupboard reaches the ceiling to provide a secure finish as if it were a solid wall.
Description(Native) 在原始毛胚屋時,開始規劃將屋主喜愛的河岸風光引入室, 延窗的臥榻設計讓戶外河岸延伸入室,也讓中島轉向窗戶立面,料裡與用餐皆一覽無遺。開闊的公共空間劃分出機能領域,在地坪與牆壁上透過不同材質、明暗色彩、立面曲線變化與造型作為呈現。在玄關到餐廳的廊道上,運用植栽適當點綴的手法,讓內外情景相互呼應。而在過於開闊的公領域裡,為了營造出家的溫度與情境,透過壁面材質銜接的細節,整合全室,且讓客廳以白色、廚房為深色調為基礎的對比安排,映照出領域與機能重點; 中島廚房裡,胡桃木搭建傾斜天花造型,中島以賽麗石、鍍鈦材質拼接,串連工作檯、餐桌與收納機能;餐櫃以深色、漸層馬賽克磚為基底,凹凸立面創造出低調奢華感,左上角的玻璃櫃做為酒杯收納。白色門片、深藍結構搭漸出大型書櫃,中央則做為通往主臥的隱藏門片,成為公領域的視覺重點。主臥空間裡,床頭面向戶外景緻,床頭後方作為梳妝台與書桌功能,接著以玻璃、美耐板為基底,鍍鈦描繪的拉門,圍塑出夢幻的更衣室。
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