

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Client Yunyang Group and Sunac Group
Affiliation Tianxu Design
Designer Jing Leng
Description(English) Rippling water landscape is carved in the decoration paintings and a glass sculpture in the shape of water is made to highlight the unique waterside landscape. In the negotiation area, a large area of light strips in the form of ribbon reflects the well-developing silk industry in Danyang. The floral art in glass vase forms an up-and-down echo with the ribbons. As a city of glasses, a lot of glass are used in the project. The blue-green color of the lake is reflected by the reflection of glass, echoing with the sculptures outside both in material and color.
Description(Native) “水色傲溟渤,川光秀菰蒲”,这是李白在丹阳,通过湖水给了他灵感,韵律极其流畅,所做的一首诗。我们将这首诗通过篆刻的手法呈现在花上,形成一幅充满诗情画意味道的装饰画。丹阳湖水清秀荡漾,远胜过东海浩荡的感觉,水光山色,简直美哉,我们也借此意,用丹阳的水的造型所做了这个雕塑,透彻明亮,水滴滴在湖中泛起的涟漪和波澜,诗永远离不开水的衬托,就像一个城市也离不开水的滋养,一方山水养一方人,丹阳人正是在这充满山水韵味的城市中,不断地去享受生活。 飘带造型的艺术品给丹阳这座城市蒙上了一层朦胧又神秘的面纱。并且如今的丹阳的丝绸行业,正在不断的飞速发展,如这飘带一般前程似锦,顺滑无阻。洽谈桌的花艺,通过花瓶的玻璃材质,与飘带形成一个上下呼应。“戴丹阳眼镜,看美丽中国,游今日世界”。这是丹阳最著名的眼镜标语。也凸出了丹阳是中国的眼镜之都的美名。我们在饰品方面,采用了很多玻璃材质的东西,体现丹阳的玻璃材质发展。丹阳水系众多,江南水乡的“半江瑟瑟半江红。”湖水的蓝绿色,通过玻璃材质的反光体现出来,就像丹阳的晚霞一样,诠释着这令人陶醉的景象。是每个见过此景的人无法忘怀的画面。也刚好与外面的雕塑品,形成一个内外呼应,玻璃材质上的异曲同工,还有颜色上的呼应。
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