



Extra Form
Country United States America
Year 2023
Affiliation Studio RE N
Designer Shimin Cao
Description(English) "Netscape" is an innovative and sustainable proposal for a public space in New Bedford, MA, inspired by the city's fishing, textile, and wind energy industries. The design features the grid track system, utilizing recycled fabric for flexible uses. People can create spaces as urban farming, modular pavilions, and movable furniture. The spaces encourage diverse activities day and night. "Netscape" is a tribute to New Bedford's vibrant history and culture, transforming an underutilized space into a thriving, sustainable, and adaptable public area.
Description(Native) “Netscape”是新贝德福德(New Bedford, MA)一个创新和可持续的公共空间提案,这座城市以其丰富的历史和文化多样性而闻名。我们的项目受到渔业、纺织业和不断发展的风能行业的启发,旨在通过将这些独特元素编织在一起,为社会住房社区的后院注入新生,创造一个充满活力、实用和适应性强的公共空间。 我们设计的核心是“Netscape”网格轨道系统,这是一个灵活的框架,利用回收的纤维和织物材料创建网。这个创新结构向城市的过去致敬,同时适应城市农业、模块化亭子和可调节家具的轨道系统。Netscape允许用户个性化选择隐私或公开程度,鼓励各种白天和夜晚的活动。 可持续性是我们设计的重点,考虑到风、阳光和雨水。 “Netscape”是对新贝德福德充满活力的历史和文化的致敬,将一个未充分利用的空间转化为一个繁荣、可持续和适应性强的公共区域。通过促进社区互动,倡导环境意识,庆祝城市独特的身份,我们的设计旨在创造一个体现新贝德福德精神的场所。
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  1. Infinity

  2. OASIS

  3. Hap Seng 3 Tower

  4. Qingque Interview

  5. Full range kinetic adaptive car seat design

  6. Breaking the Vertical and Horizontal Limit


  8. Kawanishi Spirits

  9. TASTY1 Highway Service Station Branding

  10. Littli L1 Portable Electric Toothbrush

  11. Fanatical Art Toy

  12. project SY

  13. Nature Charisma

  14. Gentle Grey

  15. 4Paradigm Sage HyperCycle ML

  16. Water bottle for consumer and save earth

  17. Purity

  18. UVFree

  19. family heirloom

  20. Netscape

  21. Yu Zhong Bu Tong Brand Identity

  22. Guigang Hoyo Banquet

  23. W Branch of Shanghai Parade

  24. Ji Shi Dao Herbal Tea Packaging Design

  25. ATLAS

  26. project NC

  27. Ink Impression


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