



Extra Form
Country United States America
Year 2023
Affiliation UVFree
Designer Yuchuan Yu, Yijing Wang, Han Huang
Description(English) Yet every day, 100 people worldwide suffer from skin diseases due to improper sun protection, and 60,000 people die from sun exposure every year. UV Free is a personalized sun protection electronic toolkit that allows you to get real-time sun protection advice based on your personal characteristics, preferences and geographic location. Its accompanying light-sensitive detection hardware provides expert users with more accurate, long-lasting LBS sun protection advice. Through image recognition, UVFree allows user to camera to detect their skin condition, analyze the chance of lesions, and provide treatment and recovery recommendations.
Description(Native) 阳光是人类再熟悉不过的朋友,晒太阳也能给人带来诸多益处。然而每天,全世界都有100人因为防晒不当而患皮肤病,每年有6万人死于阳光日晒。 UV Free是一款个性化防晒电子工具包,它支持您根据个人特征、个人偏好与地理位置得到相应的实时防晒建议。根据不同人种、不同防晒习惯、不同肤质、遗传因子等为用户提供最适合自己的实时LBS防晒方案。 它配套的光敏检测硬件为专家级用户提供更精准、持久的LBS防晒建议。同时还会生成基于位置的防晒地图,并为用户提供最佳线路,持续为皮肤健康保驾护航。 通过图像识别技术,UVFree让每个用户都可以摄像头来检测自己皮肤状态,分析病变几率,提供治疗和康复建议。 UVFree,希望每个人都能没有负担的享受阳光。
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