


project SY

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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Affiliation zinc studio Co., Ltd.
Designer Shin Ng, Kim Yam
Description(English) The space enjoys a panoramic view that stretches beyond the horizon. To contrast that feeling of infinity, we utilize various wood materials, creating a sense of age and sturdiness. The TV wall is also made into a massive hovering block, decorated by wooden stripes, which further gives weight to the heavy forms, contrasting the large expanse of ocean water outside. For a maximum design impact, we hand-picked glass panes of high transparency, making sure most sunlight is brought into the apartment, and that the magnificent harbour view is always kept in sight.
Description(Native) 整體設計重心由室內無限伸展到窗外,客廳採用不同材質的木調,沉實穩重。垂直木線條、上下留空配上灰鏡營造出懸浮感,輔以窗外的開揚景致,選配透明度高的窗花以配合安全考量,將窗外的陽光無限引入至室內空間,創造出格外恬靜溫暖自在的空間氛圍,互相和應。 客廳背後的空間由密閉的儲物室改成選色統一、開揚的閱讀及展示區,利用不同材質的玻璃恰當地成為小偏廳,走進屬於自己的風景裡,讓窄長無光的走道增添了一份生氣。 主臥的半圓落地玻璃成為採光的最大優勢,選用色彩跳脫的家具讓休閑區域顯得格外活潑明亮,玻璃分隔能成為多功能的房間,勾劃出各自的工作區域, 共享陽光溫度又能保留適度的獨立自我,兩者之間取得良好的平衡。
Website www.zincstudio.co
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