

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Touch Design Co.
Designer Yong Zhang, Xin Ma
Description(English) The designer is committed to integrate S&D and aesthetics into the house. For example, the wall is with brushed stainless steel to express an avant-garde and innovative attitude and deepen people's experience in technological life. The creative display of kart not only challenges people's existing views on decoration, but strengthens the futuristic atmosphere, thus bringing novel and artistic sensory enjoyment to visitors. The designer has a good understanding about young people's open mindset that puts interest first and cares more about "experience" and "quality".
Description(Native) 设计师致力于将科技与美学融入到家居的每个环节,墙面特意选用拉丝不锈钢,用前卫而创新的表达形式,深度体验更具科技感的生活。卡丁车的创意陈列,大胆挑战人们对于装饰的既有观点,强化未来主义氛围,带来新奇且富有艺术气息的感官享受。客厅整体中正宽敞,沙发、懒人椅、电视墙有序布局。设计师结合几何感的形体与简练的装饰,来呈现业主对生活的热爱与理解,营造出独特的空间特质与层次变化。客厅随处可见的摆件,均是对热门IP的挪用、解构和重组,不仅是潮玩艺术所具有的先锋性、独创性的表现,更可一窥业主的审美趣味和潮流内涵。设计师深谙年轻人更开放的心态,以兴趣为优先,更关注"体验"和"品质"。因此,餐厅以点、线、面、色彩与肌理等元素作为装饰,结合功能主义创造契合空间气质的美学逻辑,探索别具一格的审美选择。 设计师有意寻求新的突破与平衡,在主卧的推敲上,内敛淡然既为了营造精巧多变的空间层次,更是出于对现代性的内在需要。奢雅灰调与木质纹理相得益彰,共同打造安稳宁静的睡眠体验。
Website www.tj-touch.com
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