



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Jiangnan University
Designer Qidan Yan, Qiao Liang
Description(English) While people are easy to compose music using various resources, visually and hearing impaired people are limited by the tools available to them to use their talents in other sensory channels. Myriad is based on the basic functions of synthesizers and drum machines integrating the necessary options for music creation into various flakes. The visually and hearing impaired can complement their sensory channels with tactile information from flakes, using simple interactions such as stacking and inserting to create music. Myriad prototype achieves a certain musical output based on Arduino and Max/MSP, bringing a new experience for all the groups.
Description(Native) 在健全人自由利用现有的丰富资源学习音乐创作的同时,视障人士与听障人士却被现有的工具局限了在其他感官通道上才能的发挥。他们无法看到操作界面与听到旋律,更没有相关的无障碍工具。Myriad 系列产品以传统硬件合成器与鼓机精的简功能为基础,将音乐创作中的可选的必要操作集成为各类选择片,同时视障人士与听障人士也可以配合他们健全的感官通道将触觉通道信息进行补全,最终通过简单的叠加、插入等交互行为以系统的概念进行合作创作。多通道的信息转化使得原本复杂错综的选择、调制过程能够以较简的形式被用户所理解,在基于Arduino与Max/MSP的原型上实现了一定的旋律与打击乐的产出,旨在实现两类人群在音乐创作上的入门。同时也可以为健全音乐爱好者带来较低学习成本与更丰富地音乐创作体验,鼓励他们在体验中为残障人士共情。
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  1. WAIR Humidifier

  2. Project Eyes to Eyes

  3. Remember some wine

  4. Take you up the mountain to see the ocean

  5. Hero Identity

  6. Plani

  7. Box Clock

  8. GO ON

  9. Myriad

  10. Kakao Taxi Dashboard

  11. Special child prosthesis design

  12. Green Camera

  13. Two in one Scale

  14. Zip Lap Cat Nest

  15. Continuum and Serenity


  17. 13th Golden Indie Music Awards Nominees Video

  18. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  19. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  20. MIXXX balance bike

  21. LUNA 4D Recliner Chair with Melatonin Lighting

  22. Cup

  23. EXLICON Groundbreaking multi shape design tool

  24. CrossOver Scarf Smart Warmer

  25. SKIA Medical Markerless AR Solutions

  26. Pro feeding series

  27. Gyeongsangnamdo Volunteer Center Visual Identity

  28. Elevator VR Simulator Platform

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