


Project Eyes to Eyes

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Fu Jen Catholic University
Designer Wang ShiHan, Kuok ChioIan, Chien ChiehYu, Weng ZiHuan
Description(English) According to data from the WHO, the prevalence of shortsightedness in various countries ranges between 8% and 62%, With rate in Taiwan under the age of 18 is as high as 85%.These figures suggest that blindness is a prevalent issue that warrants greater attention. Given this background, this event aims to introduce visual impairment via a direct visual experience. Based on four common eye diseases, we created a lens with the corresponding visual impairment printed on the surface.Combined with a special eyeglass, participants are able to experience different degrees of visual field loss.
Description(Native) 在 3C 產品普及、生活型態轉變的情況下,我們經常處在易過度用眼的環境中。近年來,得到眼部疾病的患者已趨年青化,並逐年增加。 根據世界衛生組織資料顯示,世界各國近視盛行率介8%~62%間,台灣18歲以下近視率更高達85%。而台灣近 6 萬名視障者中,有百分之 90 是因為意外、疾病、 職業傷害等原因造成視力喪失,依據台灣盲人總會近年的觀察,每年中途失明者發生人數約在 1,000 至 1,300 之間,而重建的青年每年約在 500 人左右。換而言之,失明極有可能發生在你我上。 針對背景的現況,視力退化已是全球健康的一大隱憂,因此希望以最直接的視覺體驗,去幫助明眼人了解視力受損的風險與後果,希望觀者在深入了解受損的視界後,還有一次重新重視視力的機會,喚起對視力保健的警覺。 我們以四種常見的眼疾為基礎,分別是白內障、青光眼、黃班部病變和視網膜病變四種眼疾,製作出四款鏡片,鏡面上印有對應眼疾之受損視線圖案,搭配三軌驗光眼鏡,讓體驗者能自由疊加鏡片,以看見不同程度、眼疾的視界。
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