

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation BIN LIVE Co., Ltd.
Designer BIN LIVE
Description(English) The 13th Golden Indie Music Awards nominees intro videos revolve around two key concepts: "the significance of small parts within the whole" and "the visual echoes and connections." Close-up shots of organs link with music genres to showcase the experimental visual style reflecting Taiwan's premier music accolade, the Golden Indie Music Awards. The visual design establishes connections with different music award categories through composition and symbolism. For example, in the "Folk Song Award," the video captures close-up shots of palm patterns, symbolically linking them to the beauty of mountains and lakes.
Description(Native) 第十三屆金音創作獎入圍前導系列影片以「微小局部之於全體」、「影像的呼應連結」為概念做設計。透過近距離拍攝物體的局部,引導觀者連結想像到整體的意義,再與各獎項音樂風格做連結。例如:先近距離拍攝插滿的電源插座,畫面再揭示插滿的是各種電子控制器,象徵「電音專輯獎」的入圍者們擅長控制各式各樣電子音色。 影像設計上,透過畫面構圖或意義上的連結,與各風格音樂獎項呼應。如:「民謠歌曲獎」入圍作品特色為對生活和人文土地的關懷,影片設計即在微距鏡頭下,拍攝手掌的紋路與線條輪廓,並透過構圖相似性的設計,連結至美麗的山巒線和湖泊景。「創作歌手獎」則鼓勵用心孵育作品的音樂人們,影像上特寫代表著生命孕育的肚臍。「最佳樂手獎」影片則近距離拍攝手指指尖的厚繭、龜裂痕跡,象徵成為頂尖樂手的路上,曾付出過的千萬次練習。 其中也有以超現實風格展現的影片,如:在實驗室中以黏土雕塑出不同形狀和顏色的耳朵模型,展現「另類流行歌曲獎」挑戰大眾聆聽習慣的音樂作品們。 整體系列影片作品,以實驗性影像風格創作,呼應金音獎作為台灣指標性音樂創作大獎的獨特精神。
Website www.behance.net/binlive5
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  1. WAIR Humidifier

  2. Project Eyes to Eyes

  3. Remember some wine

  4. Take you up the mountain to see the ocean

  5. Hero Identity

  6. Plani

  7. Box Clock

  8. GO ON

  9. Myriad

  10. Kakao Taxi Dashboard

  11. Special child prosthesis design

  12. Green Camera

  13. Two in one Scale

  14. Zip Lap Cat Nest

  15. Continuum and Serenity


  17. 13th Golden Indie Music Awards Nominees Video

  18. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  19. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  20. MIXXX balance bike

  21. LUNA 4D Recliner Chair with Melatonin Lighting

  22. Cup

  23. EXLICON Groundbreaking multi shape design tool

  24. CrossOver Scarf Smart Warmer

  25. SKIA Medical Markerless AR Solutions

  26. Pro feeding series

  27. Gyeongsangnamdo Volunteer Center Visual Identity

  28. Elevator VR Simulator Platform

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