


WAIR Humidifier

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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation East China University of Science and Techology
Designer Yonghan Liu, Lele Fu, Deping Liu, Jiaxuan Liu, Tsien Qingyun
Description(English) This humidifier has a unique design. By referring to the steaming visual effect produced by milk tea, water cups and teacups, it creates a shape that looks exactly like a cup, presenting a unique aesthetic feeling. The air outlet adopts the shape of a straw, which can be disassembled and cleaned, which is convenient and hygienic. The overall shape is simple and clear, and the orange-purple color scheme creates a relaxed and pleasant visual effect, making people feel relaxed and comfortable. This humidifier is not only practical, but also interesting, and will bring users a healthier and more comfortable life experience.
Description(Native) 本产品是一款加湿器,其创新点在于将奶茶杯、水杯和茶杯中的热水冒热蒸汽的形态结合在一起,使其在外观上具有吸引力。相比传统小型加湿器,该产品的出气口采用了吸管的形态,并且可以拆卸清洗,这使其具有更好的实用性和可维护性,同时保证了加湿器的卫生安全,不会存留细菌等。本产品的设计灵感来源于奶茶杯、水杯和茶杯中的热水冒热蒸汽的形态。我们将这种热气腾腾的视觉效果转化为加湿器的出气口,使其外观更具有趣味性和生动性。在外观设计方面,我们采用了奶茶杯的造型,以其简洁、时尚、大气的特点为主要设计元素,并结合了吸管的形态,让产品更加有趣。在CMF确认阶段,我们选用了温暖的橙色和紫色,以及简洁的黑色塑料,来营造轻松、愉悦的视觉效果。最终的效果符合我们的预期,它既具有实用性,又具有趣味性。吸管形状的出气口和可拆卸的清洗方式增强了产品的易用性和可维护性,而奶茶杯的造型和温暖的颜色让产品更加有趣和时尚。总之,该产品是一款值得购买的实用家居产品,能够为用户带来更健康、更舒适的生活体验。
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