

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation DumbDesignProduction Ltd.
Designer Leo Tam
Description(English) For a trendy gay couple with a sneaker collection, the interior design blends their lifestyle by modifying partition walls. The neutral color scheme and Italian paints add depth. An arched glass partition separates the study from the living room, creating openness. The redesigned master bedroom includes a walk-in closet and direct access to the luxurious ensuite bathroom. The project focuses on incorporating personal style and functional spaces that reflect their lifestyle. Modern materials, layout modifications, and color coordination transform the residence into a vibrant sanctuary.
Description(Native) 這對同性伴侶客戶擁有時尚前衛的風格,並擁有多種不同球鞋的收藏品。這個單位的室內設計旨在通過修改現有的隔牆來融合他們的生活需求和觀點,讓這兩位業主享受他們的生活空間,開啟新的人生篇章。 整體的色彩方案圍繞著中性的色彩,運用意大利藝術油漆增添層次感和獨特性。一道拱形玻璃隔牆將書房區與客廳分隔開來,營造開放和寬敞的感覺重新設計的主臥室也採用相同的色彩方案,增加了一個步入式衣櫃,以容納屋主二人時尚的衣物。通過巧妙設置的牆壁,直接進入帶有豪華設施的套間浴室,讓他們享受其中的設施。 在這個室內設計項目中,焦點不僅僅是融入客戶個人風格,還在於創造反映他們生活選擇的功能性空間。現代材料的使用、策略性的佈局修改以及對色彩協調的細致關注,都有助於將他們的住所轉變為一個充滿活力和個性化的住所。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This interior design is well-reviewed for its blend of personal style and functionality. By modifying partition walls and using neutral colors with Italian paints, it creates depth and openness. The arched glass partition and redesigned master bedroom enhance the space, reflecting the lifestyle of the trendy gay couple. This thoughtful approach earned it the Winner title.
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