

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Client Micro Nano Robot Corp.
Affiliation Beihang university
Designer Yuanyuan Liu, Hu Yin, Haocheng Han, Zipeng Zhang, Zhuohang Yang
Description(English) The Light Operator cell screening device is specially designed for biomedical and cell culture applications, offering exceptional speed and precision in isolating target cells. It integrates advanced optical recognition and biosensing technologies to enhance screening efficiency while ensuring accurate results. Its silver-gray PB material and semi-transparent flip cover not only protect internal components but also offer a clear view of operations. Durable and safe, it is built for various laboratory environments and is easy to maintain, supported by comprehensive customer service and technical support.
Description(Native) Light Operator 细胞筛选设备是一款专为生物医疗和细胞培育领域定制的细胞筛选平台,具备极高的筛选速度和精准度,能够从众多细胞中迅速准确地筛选出目标细胞。该设备集成了最新的光学识别与生物传感技术,通过自动化智能操作流程,大幅提升筛选效率的同时,确保结果的准确性和可靠性。 外观采用经过精细电镀的PB材料,展现独特的银灰色光泽,体现出高端科技感。半透明的翻盖设计不仅保护了内部的光学与电子组件,还使用户能直观观察筛选过程,增强了互动性和科技体验。耐用的材料和工艺保障了设备的长期稳定运行,内置的安全防护措施也确保了操作的安全性。 此外,设备考虑到不同实验室环境的需求,具备优秀的温度适应性和抗干扰性。简易的维护接口设计便于日常清洁和保养,全面的客户服务和技术支持确保用户能够高效稳定地使用设备,完美适应于多变的科研环境。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The Light Operator cell screening device excels in biomedical applications with exceptional speed and precision in isolating target cells. Its advanced optical recognition and biosensing technologies enhance screening efficiency and accuracy. The durable silver-gray PB material and semi-transparent flip cover protect components while providing clear visibility. This thoughtful design, combining functionality and aesthetics, earned it the Winner title.
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