


Split Forklift

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Country China
Year 2020
Designer DongchenSun, PengBai, TianQiLang, WenhuaYao
Description(English) SPLIT FORKLIFT is a new flexible smart forklift truck. Unlike the traditional integrated forklift truck, this forklift truck is designed into two parts——Separate Movable Balance Module and Driving and Operating Module. This makes this forklift truck have the flexible weighting function and step climbing function that the traditional forklift truck does not have. This forklift truck is positioned as a small forklift truck with large counterweight, which changes that the ordinary small forklift truck cannot have the characteristics of high counterweight and flexibility at the same time.
Description(Native) 小型叉车一般用于小尺度作业空间的货物搬运工作,但是面对一些特殊的配重和灵活性要求时,传统的小型叉车有很多不适应的问题。SPLIT FORKLIFT是一款可以灵活多变的新型小巧智能叉车,它有别于以往一体化的叉车,该叉车被设计成前后两个部分——即单独的可移动式配重模块部分以及驾驶与作业部分,使其具有一体化叉车所不具备的灵活配重功能以及爬台阶功能。本叉车定位为大配重的小型叉车,改变了普通的小型叉车无法同时拥有配重高以及灵活的特点。SPLIT FORKLIFT叉车利用了杠杆原理,尾部配重模块后移即可增加叉车的配重,使其在少数高载重的工况下可以使用。同时叉车具有的动态平衡监测系统可以对货车平衡实时监控,高载重情况下自动伸出尾部配重模块以防止叉车倾覆事故的发生,保证作业人员安全。 SPLIT FORKLIFT叉车车体分离的设计,使其还具备爬台阶功能,车体后半部分可以抬起前半部分,并将其送到台阶上方,待前半部分稳定后,再将后半部分提起,车向前移动,叉车上到台阶上方,完成台阶攀爬。 此功能针对仓库,工厂,或是市政维修时出现的行驶障碍,大大提升小型叉车的路面的通过能力。
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  1. Laid-back

  2. Flare

  3. Land of coherency

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  5. Royal Patat Brand Identity

  6. Jiang Residence

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  13. Kiosk for the disabled

  14. The Right Way

  15. Waving

  16. SHIU SHIU!

  17. Face up to time

  18. Wing

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  20. EAVE pendant lamp

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  22. Gradient colored pencil

  23. Fire Escape Ladder

  24. Seek

  25. Reuse Children's Camera

  26. Split Forklift

  27. Impossible Chopsticks Series

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