



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer Zhai Weimin, Xia Luting, Xu Le, Bao Liyuan, He Jimiao
Description(English) With the rapid rise of Internet e-commerce sales model, flat furniture is more and more user demand. Direct delivery is becoming more and more common through online shopping, which has greatly reduced production and transportation costs. This coat and hat stand is simple in shape, just like the wings of a bird. The whole structure is assembled by Chinese mortise and mortise structure, which can be easily combined and disassembled, and is very convenient to carry and transport, so that users can feel the interest and wisdom of wood in the process of disassembling and assembling.
Description(Native) 随着互联网电子商务销售模式的迅速兴起,家具的销售模式发生了翻天覆地的变化,平板家具被越来越多的用户需求。通过网上购物,直接送货的购买方式越来越普遍,大大降低了生产和运输成本。这一款衣帽架,造型简洁,犹如鸟儿的翅膀,最大可以承受30kg的物件, 整体结构通过中国榫卯结构组装完成,榫卯作为古老的中国木作技艺精髓,在家具和木构建筑里运用非常广泛,本次设计在结构上采用了十字交叉榫卯和插销结构组合,在拆装的过程中犹如一个大玩具,需要按一定的拆装顺序才可以组合完成,不用任何钉子和胶水,完全靠每一个部件结构都相互制约咬合,达到 了力学与美学的统一,而且在安装过程中不需要太多时间和复杂工具,完全通过徒手可以轻松组合和拆解,并且非常方便携带和运输,让用户在体验拆装的过程中感受到木器的的趣味和智慧。
Positive Comments
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  1. Laid-back

  2. Flare

  3. Land of coherency

  4. Ru Garden Enterprise Mansion

  5. Royal Patat Brand Identity

  6. Jiang Residence

  7. 2 IN 1Combination Suitcase

  8. Echoo Synthesizer Kit

  9. Luggage Protector

  10. Cut & Retract


  12. Mini freezer

  13. Kiosk for the disabled

  14. The Right Way

  15. Waving

  16. SHIU SHIU!

  17. Face up to time

  18. Wing

  19. Birdcage Speaker

  20. EAVE pendant lamp

  21. Platformized Shelving System

  22. Gradient colored pencil

  23. Fire Escape Ladder

  24. Seek

  25. Reuse Children's Camera

  26. Split Forklift

  27. Impossible Chopsticks Series

  28. FIT FEET Foot Steamer

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