



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Mobi Interior Design CO., LTD
Designer PoYao,Li
Description(English) To enrich the visual depths, the TV wall is presented in sections. Dark copper plate with a rusty texture forms a three-dimensional frame, which extends to the shoe cabinet at the foyer. The wall is painted with a special faux finish which mimics the look of cement wall. Its handmade natural texture adds exquisite simplicity and grace. The greyish veneer creates the tranquil atmosphere every bedroom needs. The original color of the veneer is preserved on purpose. Like dotted gold thread, it makes the wall looks so beautiful in its magnificent detail.
Description(Native) 以Less is more為基礎,將繁複的設計手法收斂成簡約的線條。 在俐落的收邊下,更能表現媒材及傢俬的低鳴。 全室以低彩度的灰色撘佐低明度的木質地板,減輕視覺的載重,回歸無壓的生活狀態。 為豐富空間層次,我們讓電視主牆分段落呈現。 外圍運用鏽蝕感的暗銅色板材架構立體框架,並延伸至玄關鞋櫃。 牆面仿水泥漆的特殊塗料,手作的自然肌理,呈現樸質的人文韻味。 原始實木為檯面,注入溫潤的空間表情。 色澤醇厚的地坪,有著深色的節眼,粗樸的紋路,勾勒沉穩的空間表情。 光影隨著大面窗流洩而下,點綴迷人的空間靈魂。 染灰的木皮,圍塑知性優雅的寢居空間。 刻意留下木皮原始顏色,有如金絲般的點綴,讓壁面多了份細膩美感。 在柔軟的織品包覆下,感受歲月靜好的幸福滋味。
Website mobi-interior.com
Positive Comments
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  1. Laid-back

  2. Flare

  3. Land of coherency

  4. Ru Garden Enterprise Mansion

  5. Royal Patat Brand Identity

  6. Jiang Residence

  7. 2 IN 1Combination Suitcase

  8. Echoo Synthesizer Kit

  9. Luggage Protector

  10. Cut & Retract


  12. Mini freezer

  13. Kiosk for the disabled

  14. The Right Way

  15. Waving

  16. SHIU SHIU!

  17. Face up to time

  18. Wing

  19. Birdcage Speaker

  20. EAVE pendant lamp

  21. Platformized Shelving System

  22. Gradient colored pencil

  23. Fire Escape Ladder

  24. Seek

  25. Reuse Children's Camera

  26. Split Forklift

  27. Impossible Chopsticks Series

  28. FIT FEET Foot Steamer

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