

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Shanghai pincang Architectural Interior Design Co., Ltd
Designer Jian Li
Description(English) "Standing in culture and living in poetry", pincang design integrates the spirit of modern life into the structure and vocabulary of the ancient house, connects with poetry and environment, and endows the human soul and temperature to Ruyuan with techniques and elements full of Oriental verve. Water, wood, stone, grain and other traditional Chinese elements can be seen everywhere in the space. They interpret oriental aesthetics with details. In this temperament space without losing the traditional charm, create the most suitable lifestyle for Chinese people to live in.
Description(Native) “立于文化上,寓于诗意”,品仓设计将现代生活的精神融入古宅的架构及语汇,贯通于诗性与环静,以充满东方神韵的手法与元素为如苑赋予人文的灵魂与温度。 如苑企业公馆建筑采用磅礴大气的中式园林建筑风格,一砖一瓦的布局都暗藏时间的韵味和沉淀:入口的圆形水池形似满月,寓意美满和顺遂,而主建筑的回形构造则采用古时的天井结构,寓意“四水归堂”,是传统东方智慧与美学的结晶,亦为室内空间的表达奠定基本语言基调。 接待区布局简约利落,接待台后的一幅出自元代名家的丝绢竹图传递出优雅的致意,呼应着案头的一座造型古雅的松柏盆景,为空间注入生命力。即使是走廊,也是一步一景,深得古典园林的精髓:出自日本艺术家的“松”主题花艺展现出蓬勃而孤傲的生命之美;六角窗前,或是一方长几,花枝如舞;或几竿细竹,一座湖石,再加上一只亭亭玉立的仙鹤,让人恍似漫游仙境之感。 穿过 “四水归堂”式的内庭,别致的水景和植物、建筑、门窗一起,创造出丰富立体的层次感,写意的山水,与摇曳的竹影共同幻化成一幅诗意长卷,让行走在庭院中的每一步都充满仪式感。水、木、石、纹等中国传统元素在空间内随处可见,源于自然又融入自然,用细节诠释着东方美学。布局精妙,移步异景,别有洞天。在这不失传统韵味的气质空间中,营造出最适合中国人居住的生活方式。
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  1. Laid-back

  2. Flare

  3. Land of coherency

  4. Ru Garden Enterprise Mansion

  5. Royal Patat Brand Identity

  6. Jiang Residence

  7. 2 IN 1Combination Suitcase

  8. Echoo Synthesizer Kit

  9. Luggage Protector

  10. Cut & Retract


  12. Mini freezer

  13. Kiosk for the disabled

  14. The Right Way

  15. Waving

  16. SHIU SHIU!

  17. Face up to time

  18. Wing

  19. Birdcage Speaker

  20. EAVE pendant lamp

  21. Platformized Shelving System

  22. Gradient colored pencil

  23. Fire Escape Ladder

  24. Seek

  25. Reuse Children's Camera

  26. Split Forklift

  27. Impossible Chopsticks Series

  28. FIT FEET Foot Steamer

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