

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Jiangnan University
Designer Zhouying Que, Qiao Liang
Description(English) The Echoo Synthesizer Kit is an inspiration source and creation platform for music lovers. Echoo includes two modules: note input and song editing, its function can be extended by connecting music engineering software(such as Ableton live). There are electrical signals on the surface of animal and plant cells. The transformation from electrical signal to note signal is realized by using the electrodes. Echoo uses the raised arc line as the semantic prompt of "press", "slide", "rotate" and "pinch", and uses the circle and Roman numerals 1 to 3 as the direction prompt of knob and slide bar.
Description(Native) Echoo音乐合成器是一个音乐爱好者的灵感来源和创作平台,主要包含音符输入与乐曲编辑两种功能。Echoo的发声原理是:自然界的动植物细胞表面存在着电信号,使用电极片感应自然造物的电位差变化,并将不同的电位差对应到各个音符,实现从电信号到音符信号的转化。Echoo以模块化的方式呈现,属于电子合成器类别,能够接入音乐工程软件(如Ableton Live),兼具音符信号转化和收录、音符属性编辑、快捷编曲控制等功能。Echoo希望为音乐创作者提供灵感来源和音乐素材,缓解当下音乐作品的同质化问题。在产品的外观设计方面,选择豆绿色作为主色、烟灰色和亮白色作为辅助色,以参数化的凸起圆弧线作为“按”、“滑”、“旋”、“捏”的操作语义提示,使用圆圈和罗马数字1到3作为旋钮和滑杆的方向提示。
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  1. Laid-back

  2. Flare

  3. Land of coherency

  4. Ru Garden Enterprise Mansion

  5. Royal Patat Brand Identity

  6. Jiang Residence

  7. 2 IN 1Combination Suitcase

  8. Echoo Synthesizer Kit

  9. Luggage Protector

  10. Cut & Retract


  12. Mini freezer

  13. Kiosk for the disabled

  14. The Right Way

  15. Waving

  16. SHIU SHIU!

  17. Face up to time

  18. Wing

  19. Birdcage Speaker

  20. EAVE pendant lamp

  21. Platformized Shelving System

  22. Gradient colored pencil

  23. Fire Escape Ladder

  24. Seek

  25. Reuse Children's Camera

  26. Split Forklift

  27. Impossible Chopsticks Series

  28. FIT FEET Foot Steamer

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