


The Right Way

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Nanchang Institute of Technology
Designer Xiaoyue Meng, Xin Guo, Boyang Hu, Yanduo Li
Description(English) This is a kind of vein blood collection hemostatic paste that helps people to press accurately. The pressure positions and areas of the two puncture points on the skin and blood vessels after puncture are marked on the surface, and the correct pressure duration is reminded by the fading of the surface. Assist people to press the two different puncture points on the skin and blood vessels more accurately, so as to prevent problems such as congestion, swelling and pain caused by inaccurate pressing position and short pressing time after blood drawing. Help people stop the bleeding in right way.
Description(Native) 采血时沿静脉走向使采血针与皮肤成三十度角斜行刺入皮肤,然后成五度角向前穿破静脉壁进入静脉腔,因此采血时会留下皮肤和血管两处针眼,且这两处针眼与静脉走向平行,人们往往只按压住皮肤针眼而忽略了血管针眼的按压,从而导致皮下淤血、肿痛、心理紧张等问题。除此以外,按压时长过短也会导致血管针眼未彻底凝血而皮下出血。止血贴中心的图形标明了需要按压的位置及需要按压的面积大小,将两根手指对应放在图形上完全覆盖住图形即可保证更准确的按压住皮肤和血管的两处针眼;止血贴绿色无纺布表层覆盖了一层白色褪色墨水,在取出止血贴后表层的白色随时间逐渐被氧化褪色至透明无色的状态,且氧化褪色时间与合理按压时间一致均为五分钟左右,当表面白色完全褪去显示出下方绿色无纺布时就表示按压时间已经足够,避免了人们在按压时对正确按压时间没有概念,且无法准确判断按压时间而导致的按压时间过短、按压无效等问题。本设计通过明确按压位置和按压时长,帮助人们建立正确的按压意识,进行有效、正确的按压来达到止血的目的。
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