

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Mobi Interior Design CO., LTD
Designer PoYao,Li
Description(English) Appearing like a dazzling Milky Way in the night sky, the delicate texture of the white marble wall softens the cold colors of gray and white. The wood veneer that is slightly deeper in color constructs the wall behind the sofa. It harmonizes with the wall in natural light color of wood at the vista, creating a sense of consistency. Bringing wood into the interiors perfectly describes the warm texture of the bedroom. The geometric cuttings make the facade fun as well as enhancing the depth and dimension. The design of the fillet is in sync with the overall design of the house.
Description(Native) 圓,象徵著一家團圓。 我們修飾空間中的銳角,將收邊做弧線修飾,寓意著家的和樂與圓滿。 雕刻白大理石牆,細膩的紋理柔和了灰與白,有如銀河般的耀眼動人。 連續面的收納櫃體延續至玄關,將軸線水平展開,拉闊了空間尺度。 懸浮的吊櫃設計,充分的利用垂直高度滿足收納機能,同時也消弭厚重櫃體的壓迫感。 前後錯落的木格柵包覆用餐區域, 木質的運用溫潤了冷色系的氛圍,也塑造場域的層次性。 略深的木質皮層架構沙發背牆,與端景的木色牆,形成深淺的前後呼應。 利用玻璃取代隔間牆並打開全景視野,低調的茶玻,營造輕量的質感語彙。 以鐵件為框架鑲嵌玻璃組構拉門,在優雅中蘊藏個性氣息。 善用木元素鋪述寢居的暖適質地。 幾何造型的切割,讓立面更顯趣味與立體。 導圓角的設計,延續了整體設計脈絡。 在暖色光源的暈染下,釀一室的寧靜樸質。
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  1. Mountains and Rivers

  2. Modern Blues

  3. model me

  4. Easy-to-Read Ointment

  5. Come into the light

  6. SOHO Flow

  7. Deluxe Gray

  8. Green Pine House

  9. Ataraxia Mansion

  10. Yuzhou Business Sales Center

  11. Family with a pearl necklace

  12. LoveのTreasure

  13. MINE Smart Gesture Mirror

  14. Villa 14

  15. automatic hand dryer

  16. ZQ600 Vacuum cleaner

  17. PriDeer

  18. Yorkshire Lakefront Villa

  19. Goose-head Song Typeface

  20. Kodama Bar Stool

  21. Reversal

  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

  23. Lead-washed

  24. Blooming Energy

  25. Sustainable Architecture

  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

  28. Pure

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