

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation BSTUDIO
Designer Ping-Hsin Chen
Description(English) The massive olive-green stones constructed on building exterior manifest the majestic and poised impression. The design of residential space is based on the courtyard that defines the laid-back lifestyle. The water wall and landscaping harmonize the real and imaginary features and create the comfortable space. The house is surrounded by the warm sunlight, greenery plants and fragrance of flowers whose vitality of nature embraces the family and creates the calm and invigorating scenery, thus ubiquitously showing the vitality of life.
Description(Native) 事業有成的企業家想擁有一棟有自我天地的房子,不僅準備在此展開人生另一段旅程,也想提供可以給下一代安全、輕鬆自在長大的城堡。設計師以養生綠建築出發,完美擘劃居者的夢想藍圖。 清水模、石板為主架構的建築,佐以線性木格柵,宛如虛實相間的方框簾幕,在不同角度漫入的線條光影,復以內部垂直線條錯落的深淺實木片、木製家具溫潤沉靜的感受,保留空間的穿透性,烘托出內斂沉穩的東方氛圍,嶄露現代高雅的不凡質感。 大面的橄欖綠石材賦予建築外觀大器與穩重之印象,質樸的清水模外牆與木紋格柵,映襯出一種厚實與輕盈、阻隔與通透、固定與彈性的對話關係,造就禪趣的悠遠意境,並巧妙阻隔擾人的西曬,為生活增添隱密性。 居住空間圍繞著中庭發展,奠定愜意的生活基調;水牆與造景的點綴,在實體與虛體的配置中取得和諧平衡,營塑恬然放鬆的空間場域。陽光、綠意與花香,大自然強而有力的投奔在居住者的懷抱,靜謐又動感的視覺風景,無處不體現生氣蓬勃的生命力。
Website www.b-studio.com.tw
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  1. Mountains and Rivers

  2. Modern Blues

  3. model me

  4. Easy-to-Read Ointment

  5. Come into the light

  6. SOHO Flow

  7. Deluxe Gray

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  9. Ataraxia Mansion

  10. Yuzhou Business Sales Center

  11. Family with a pearl necklace

  12. LoveのTreasure

  13. MINE Smart Gesture Mirror

  14. Villa 14

  15. automatic hand dryer

  16. ZQ600 Vacuum cleaner

  17. PriDeer

  18. Yorkshire Lakefront Villa

  19. Goose-head Song Typeface

  20. Kodama Bar Stool

  21. Reversal

  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

  23. Lead-washed

  24. Blooming Energy

  25. Sustainable Architecture

  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

  28. Pure

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