


model me

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client Model.Me Hair Salon
Affiliation Materiality Design
Designer StephenKuo
Description(English) This hair salon is the experiential space of hairstyling. The spatial character of the two floors is determined by the essential services for different age groups and the image of the branding. The first floor is for male customers and the frontal image of the brand. Built on the foundation of the cosmopolitan style of London, the Taiwan element convey the characters of the new hair cutting and facial service. The second-floor focus on female customers. The clean-cut lines and the diagonal large mirror frame of each seat frame the customer and the sense of customized service for each one.
Description(Native) 設計手法 轉化英倫古典風:一樓紳士沙龍以倫敦街頭barber店,既新潮又古典的風雅為軸,簡約化線條,讓時代痕跡處處迤邐;從入口門板門框的刷舊處理至台灣特有的復古蛇紋石地板,以及繃皮革鉚釘的深咖啡色長櫃檯,共同鋪築出穩重的厚實感。兼作吧台與收銀的長型櫃檯作為髮藝空間的縱向主軸,後方為鏽蝕鏡與鐵件陳列架,順著垂直水平線條向上至頂天花的幾條橫木,一路延展到對牆的三個座位區,從天花沈降而下,一體成型的鏡台與櫃體,包覆起專屬座位區與髮藝設計師的活動區域,加上軌道燈、吊燈與壁燈的燈光輔助情境,揭示服務的獨有性。 除了髮藝與理容功能,該空間亦作為社交場所如同英國barber,在原有的座位區,重新配置出一個新的活動空間,植入高彩度的雙向對稱沙發,幾何軟裝與原空間沉厚度作為強烈對比,呈現隨時可被拆裝的裝置概念,以應舉辦活動時的空間變動彈性。長型動線端景是灰白色髮品陳列櫃,畫框式的古典線條,讓商業空間躍於抽象,亦作為隔間櫃體,以安置後台的洗沖空間。 X動線延展空間功能配置:臨窗處,採光極佳的大長桌,設置為需要長時間染燙的區域,另外四個專屬區則以可以錯開彼此視線的斜角座位設計,X動線正位於該樓層的中央點,依座位區量體的斜度順勢延展出去,成了其他洗髮沖洗等待與收納功能的空間配置。厚實的斜角鏡框設計,與灰白色空間基調成對比,也成為動態視覺焦點,讓照鏡子的人入框,宛如一幅未完成的畫作,正被懸掛上去。
Website www.mdesign.com.tw
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