


Lushan Yunwu Tea

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Country China
Year 2020
Client Lushan Yunwu Tea
Affiliation Shenzhen Moen Enterprise Image Design Co., Ltd.
Designer zhangyu
Description(English) Lushan Yunwu Tea grows in the Lushan Mountain and is named as the unique varing clouds of this mountain. In the East Han Dynasty, many monks gathered in Lushan Mountian to pick tea, preach and recite poems, which makes the Lushan Yunwu Tea a Buddhist meaning. According to the cultural background of this tea, we designed this logo by combining the Chinese seal chatacter word“茶”with the symbol of moutain, people, water and cloud, which depicts the natural poetic environment the tea grows. The circular outline of this logo has a special Chinese meaning that symbolizes wealth and auspiciousness.
Description(Native) 庐山云雾茶,长于“匡庐奇秀甲天下”之称的庐山,时而淡云飘渺,笼罩山峰;时而云流千米,倾注深谷;蕴云蓄雾,便以云雾作为茶叶之名称“庐山云雾”,东汉时,庐山僧侣云集,采茶传禅,话茶吟诗,行云走雾的熏陶让庐山云雾茶多了一分禅意,从而形成其独特的醇香品质。我们依据庐山云雾茶的背景文化为设计思路,将logo通过篆体“茶”字结合山、人、水、云等元素进行设计创作,经设计将庐山云雾茶从图形引申出来,直抒刻画了茶所生长在流水山下、云卷云舒 的自然意境中;茶香萦绕,通过采茶人的匠心之作将庐山的茶文化传播于世界各地;加以天方地圆的外轮廓进行点缀,象征着海纳万千,富贵吉祥。“庐山云雾”用书法字体和logo组合相得益彰,且呼吁历史悠久的茶文化。
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  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

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  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

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