

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation CHEN ZHI HAO
Designer YANG AI LIN
Description(English) The morning dew sublimates start with sun rise With the misty white peaks and clouds Pure light source in the tranquil space Creating a relaxed home atmosphere through natural materials and natural beauty Through the integration of guest room, dining room and kitchen, natural lighting can penetrate the interior Bring warm texture to every corner of the house Lines are a very important visual element in space Perfect cutting space picture
Description(Native) 清晨的露水隨初陽昇華 在霧白的峰頂和雲霧相伴 謐靜的空間載入純淨的光源 透過自然的素材及天然美景營造閒適放鬆的居家氛圍 藉由客、餐廳與廚房的整合使得自然光的以貫穿室內 將溫暖質地帶到家的每個角落 線條是空間中一個很重要的視覺元素 完美切割空間畫面 重新設置出不同一般的韻味 勾勒出深度感受豐醇情味的棲心之所 生活與品味的延續 喜歡旅遊的屋主,遊歷了許多國家現代的典雅 客廳以大量的白為基調,加上許多的燈光讓空間帶點些許暖意 走到餐廳就像換了個時空,喝著威士忌聽著藍調的爵士樂 徜徉在異國的情調 主臥室飯店式設計讓空間色調統一 更顯舒服,床頭皮革帶出現代的線條 起居室的南洋風讓人置身在島國 透過自然的素材及天然美景營造閒適放鬆的居家氛圍
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  1. Mountains and Rivers

  2. Modern Blues

  3. model me

  4. Easy-to-Read Ointment

  5. Come into the light

  6. SOHO Flow

  7. Deluxe Gray

  8. Green Pine House

  9. Ataraxia Mansion

  10. Yuzhou Business Sales Center

  11. Family with a pearl necklace

  12. LoveのTreasure

  13. MINE Smart Gesture Mirror

  14. Villa 14

  15. automatic hand dryer

  16. ZQ600 Vacuum cleaner

  17. PriDeer

  18. Yorkshire Lakefront Villa

  19. Goose-head Song Typeface

  20. Kodama Bar Stool

  21. Reversal

  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

  23. Lead-washed

  24. Blooming Energy

  25. Sustainable Architecture

  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

  28. Pure

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