



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
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Affiliation YUN-YIH Design Company
Designer Chung-LinLee
Description(English) Arcades immersing repeatedly in prosperity, high walls with distinctive textures, and gables that are intentionally concave and convex seemingly attract curious attention . A lot of primitive materials including plate molds, cementing, walls with broken bricks, unpainted plywood and floor made with waste materials, scorched cloth curtains are used in the space to find the original idea of its designer along with the delicate method of construction and an uncompromising belief to re-interpret the universal definition of beauty and ugliness.
Description(Native) 精心澆灌的水泥高牆,與斜切、退縮的隱式入口,只留下牆頂幽微的橫帶開窗,可以隱約看見牆內星光。牆裡牆外,兩個世界;卻又扯不開的沾黏血脈。 挑高五米的空間,局部夾層允許了視線向上的盤旋,刷黑的天頂,滋長了光點的蔓延。四面的灰色水泥牆面,蘸著紅磚的質樸、布簾上不可思議的燒灼、敲打樑柱的鑿痕力道、與灌漿後意外留下的驚喜斑駁,完整蒐集到訪客瞳孔內逸出的驚奇。 在這裡,色色華服只不過是容器裡的擺飾,場景輪廓的不羈才是主角。 眼光摩挲過以水泥砌作粉光型塑的灰階地板落差、高低交錯銜接的展示檯面與收銀櫃台,像是伸展檯台上精準的走步串場,看似隨意;卻包含縝密考量,黑鐵特製的吊架、人形立架,各自以舒展的姿態,增加線條的躍動變化,順著牆面向上、向左、向右孳生、繁殖的木夾板結構,三度立體的晶體形狀,帶來溫暖的陰暗對比,呈現單一基礎材質所能構築的最大反差。 空間內大量的版模、泥作、破磚牆、夾板不塗裝與廢材地板、燒灼布幔,以最原始的素材,找回設計人的原點,佐以細膩工法與不妥協的信仰,為普世價值的美醜定義重新詮釋。
Website www.yundyih.com.tw
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  1. Mountains and Rivers

  2. Modern Blues

  3. model me

  4. Easy-to-Read Ointment

  5. Come into the light

  6. SOHO Flow

  7. Deluxe Gray

  8. Green Pine House

  9. Ataraxia Mansion

  10. Yuzhou Business Sales Center

  11. Family with a pearl necklace

  12. LoveのTreasure

  13. MINE Smart Gesture Mirror

  14. Villa 14

  15. automatic hand dryer

  16. ZQ600 Vacuum cleaner

  17. PriDeer

  18. Yorkshire Lakefront Villa

  19. Goose-head Song Typeface

  20. Kodama Bar Stool

  21. Reversal

  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

  23. Lead-washed

  24. Blooming Energy

  25. Sustainable Architecture

  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

  28. Pure

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