


Modern Blues

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client Private
Designer I-Hao
Description(English) A simple house is constructed as a result of designing aesthetics involving colors and materials. The layout of this long house, with only natural light from two sides, is rearranged. The different sections, including the master bedroom, the dining room, the dining room and the kitchen, as well as the study, are reshuffled, so that there is an open public area that serves as a flow connecting the living room, the dining room and the kitchen, making the entire space well-ordered and adding a visual sense of vastness.
Description(Native) 長型的屋宅,只有兩面採光,透過格局重整,重新區隔主臥、客廳、餐廳廚房、書房等空間,以開放式設計規劃公領域空間,讓客廳、餐廳至廚房的動線一體,看起來井然有序,並使縱深更顯開闊。客廳醒目的藍色電視主牆,作為主臥與客廳的區隔,並將主臥室入口及客用廁所分別以推門方式隱藏於電視牆的左右側,藉此保留電視牆面的完整性, 大面積藍色沉穩舒朗壁面為整體空間定調。與主牆面平行,天花板的黑色鑄鐵縱向貫穿客廳及餐廳,至餐廳垂直下切至餐桌與吧台,和白色天花對應,其首尾呼應如低音大提琴為整體設計演奏主旋律,成為業主最鍾愛的設計亮點。而向左右延伸、同樣黑色的軌道投射燈,取代傳統白熾燈與日光燈,更為原本單調的空間注入俐落線條感。傢俱配置以皮革與實木搭配,呈現安穩大器的樸實風格。餐廳空間作為客廳的延伸,連結廚房及一側的書房,引用廚房的大面開窗,採用透光推拉門作為區隔的書房和餐廳也都能迎納充足的自然光線。廚房下方L型流理台與吊櫃的面板是與客廳電視主橋呼應的藍色,呼應其趣味,更凸顯檯面與壁面的白,使得廚房空間更為潔淨明亮。中央吧台、洗手槽延伸至餐廳餐桌,讓用餐環境簡約大氣。一旁餐邊櫃以淺色木紋開放陳列櫃體,突顯陳列展示的美感,櫃體無把手設計,表面簡潔,也為即將誕生的孩子日後預留安全的防護。書房空間以透光推拉門作為輕隔間,壁面開放書架及洞洞板,使書房有足夠收納空間又不壓迫。主臥室隱於客廳主牆後方,狹長空間仍規劃出女主喜愛的更衣間,同樣以透光推拉門作區隔。在個人化風格與收藏的新空間中迎接新生命的誕生。
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  1. Mountains and Rivers

  2. Modern Blues

  3. model me

  4. Easy-to-Read Ointment

  5. Come into the light

  6. SOHO Flow

  7. Deluxe Gray

  8. Green Pine House

  9. Ataraxia Mansion

  10. Yuzhou Business Sales Center

  11. Family with a pearl necklace

  12. LoveのTreasure

  13. MINE Smart Gesture Mirror

  14. Villa 14

  15. automatic hand dryer

  16. ZQ600 Vacuum cleaner

  17. PriDeer

  18. Yorkshire Lakefront Villa

  19. Goose-head Song Typeface

  20. Kodama Bar Stool

  21. Reversal

  22. Lushan Yunwu Tea

  23. Lead-washed

  24. Blooming Energy

  25. Sustainable Architecture

  26. RIVER ‧ VARY

  27. The rule of circle

  28. Pure

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